Beyond the Bassline: Being All I Can Be

9 objects

Created by KirkleesLibraries


hip-hop, rap, respect, young
(We'll make these links soon.)



Being All I Can Be is a programme created by Kirklees Libraries, we work alongside local rap and hip hop artists to deliver workshops aimed at young people. Books, writing and creativity sit at the heart of this project.

Donavan Christopher aka Rappaman or Dee Bo General, a rap poet and cultural reggae artist, and Testament, a Hip-Hop MC, poet, theatre maker and world record breaking human beatboxes,work with young people to create performance poetry inspired by their personal experiences, giving them a voice to share their personal challenges. He encourages students to self-reflect and express their views and opinions about challenging and relevant social issues such as respect of self and others, tolerance and cultural diversity, and bullying. 

This collection showcases work by young people and children from a number of different schools and communities across Kirklees.

This collection is on 2 boxes!

5 collections
134 boops, last one 2 months ago
7 collections
166 boops, last one 5 months ago