Collection Narrator: Dr. Whitney Battle Baptiste

Image license: CC-BY-NC-ND


[Transcript of audio recording]

Whitney Battle-Baptiste is a Professor of Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She holds an MA in History from the College of William and Mary and a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Texas, Austin. Her research focuses on the intersection of race, gender, class, and sexuality, and her work has included interpreting captive African domestic spaces at Andrew Jackson’s Hermitage Plantation in Nashville, Tennessee; School segregation in 19th century Boston; the Millars Plantation site in the Bahamas, and the Burghardt family homestead, also known as the W. E. B Du Bois Homestead in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.

Whitney is the Director of the W. E. B. Du Bois Center at UMass Amherst, which was established to engage audiences in discussion and scholarship about global issues involving race, labor, and social injustice. Whitney is both a scholar and an activist who has directed community archaeology projects and sees the classroom as a place to engage contemporary issues with a sensibility of the past. Her publications include,Black Feminist Archaeology and W. E. B. Du Bois’s Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America, co-edited with Britt Russert. She is currently finishing up a second edition ofBlack Feminist Archaeology, which will be out in 2021.

Selected Works of Dr. Whitney Battle Baptiste

African Diaspora Archaeology Newsletter

W. E. B. Du Bois Center, University of Massachusetts Amherst

W. E. B. Du Bois Papers, 1803-1999 (bulk 1877-1963)

In collection(s): An Introduction to W. E. B. Du Bois


Audio license: CC-BY-NC-ND

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