uWilfred Mchunu uhlala nomndeni wakhe eVryheid, enyakatho KwaZulu-Natal. UnguMqondisi Ophethe e-Willies Tours and Travels, ibhizinisi aliqala lokuvakashela izinkundla zempi e-Zululand nezindawo zamasiko. Uphethe nezinye izikhundla eziningana kuhlanganise nokuba iSekela likaSihlalo we-KZN Battlefields Route, i-Secretariat Zululand Heritage Heritage66 kanye nokuba-Isekela likaMongameli we-Vryheid Tourism Association. UWilfred unolwazi olunzulu nothando ngezinyoni zaseNingizimu Afrika. Njengamanje usebenza njengoSihlalo we-Zululand Birding Route kanye nomqondisi wezemvelo e-Kruger National Park kanye nase-Hluhluwe Mfolozi game reserve, ezinye zezindawo zokugcina izilwane ezihlonishwa kakhulu eNingizimu Afrika. Njengomfundisi wezokuvakasha, uhlanganyela ulwazi lwakhe nesizukulwane esisha esibonisa abantu izindawo KwaZulu-Natali.
Wilfred Mchunu lives with his family in Vryheid, northern KwaZulu-Natal. He is the Managing Director of Willies Tours and Travels, a business he developed to run excursions to Zululand’s Battlefields and cultural sites. He holds several other positions including Deputy Chairman KZN Battlefields Route, Secretariat Zululand Heritage Route66 and Vice President of Vryheid Tourism Association. Wilfred also has a deep knowledge and appreciation of South Africa’s birdlife. He is currently Acting Chairman of Zululand Birding Route and a nature guide at Kruger National Park and Hluhluwe Mfolozi game reserve, two of South Africa’s most prestigious game reserves. As a tour guide instructor, he is sharing his expertise with a new generation of tour guides in KwaZulu-Natal.
In collection(s): Amagugu Ethu / Our Treasures
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